Saturday, January 23, 2010

Post #1: Communication and teamwork: why they are important for me?

We are living in a connected world where communication and teamwork play very important roles. I myself can hardly imagine how the world would be without them.

Communication is the way we connect to others. We, the human being, are social creatures and our society is created, maintained and developed by communication. It helps people collect and transfer information, build relationships, entertain and so on. For me, a foreign student, it is the mean to understand and to be understood so every day I learn, work and live with it. In my opinion, communication is not just important, it is survival.

As a computer engineering student, I point out that most of my study and my future job will require team work. Hardly can I complete a project without the help from my teammates. In this world, we need a good team rather than some talented engineers. You may be good at many fields but you cannot good at every field and you also cannot do the job of many people at a time. That is why teamwork is necessary.

Communication skills are needed in teamwork and teamwork, in return, is a good environment for learning and practicing communication skills. When work as a team, I and my teammates have to cooperate with others. Bad communication can lead to waste of time, money, effort and even lead to bad result or failure if it causes misunderstandings. In teamwork, I have to use a lot of communication to express and defense my ideas or understand and criticize others’. It is also helpful when I seek for help from my teammates and when helping them. By teamwoking, I can practice all of the communication skills.

In summary, communication and teamwork are my keys to success and I think the module CG1413 effective team communication can help me a lot by teaching me how to become a good communicator and a good teammate.


  1. Dear Dam long,

    I agree with you to a great extend that computer engineers have to work in a team. My perception of computer engineers last time was that they sit in a room alone, doing programming by themselves.

    I'm glad that this is not true. In this manner, we get to socialize with other engineers and learn a great deal from talented engineers.

    I agree on your third paragraph about people not being adept in all fields. I also like to add that by working as a team, others can cover up your weakness. Suppose the project require skills A,B and C and you're weak at C while others are good at C but weak at A and B. Working together, all of you are able to cover each others' weakness with your strength.

    It's a nice interesting start of your first post with some small grammatical error. Will be keeping in touch with this wonderful blog.

    Mohd Ferrino

  2. Dear Dam Long,
    Very clear structure, with an intro, conclusion, one point each on communication, teamwork and then one point talking about both of them. I especially like the starting sentence of the fourth paragraph, where you link communication and teamwork in a very succinct yet accurate manner. You pointed out a very important point that working in a team provides us an opportunity to learn and refine our communication skills. I hadn’t thought of this while writing my own post. This teaches us that learning communication is not a static process; we also learn it hands on, by putting it in practice.
    There are small grammatical errors. I think it is because you forgot to proofread the post. Also, I don't think ‘teamworking’ is a word. You may want to replace it with ‘working as/with a team’.
    But overall, a commendable job :)

  3. Dear Dam Long,

    I agree with you that communication is the way we connect with each other,but that doesnt define what communication is about.Communication basicly is the process of transmitting information to other people and receive message from other people,is a two way thing.

    I totally agree with you that as a foreign student, if you dont communicate you will not survive the world of national university of singapore.When a new foreign student enter a different culture university, he need to learn and adapt the life there.Communication is a way that allow us to do that.

    I looking forward for your second post and prepare to critic it, so you can improve more on your writting skill.

    Best Regards

  4. Hi Dam Long,

    You have very good paragraphing. Each paragraph only consists of one point with a clearly stated topic sentence.

    You’ve mentioned in your fourth paragraph that teamwork “is a good environment for learning and practicing communication skills.” I agree with this. Group work, especially in school, is the perfect opportunity to hone our communication skills and learn to be a better team player. School is after all, a place to learn. In school, we can make mistakes and no one would think twice about it. In the workplace, poor communication and teamwork skills might reflect badly on us, reducing our chances of career advancement. If the mistake we make is serious enough, it may even result in us getting fired.

    Furthermore, in school, lesser team politics is involved. Individual members do not have the urge to impress their bosses with their competence in hopes of career advancement. Teammates in schools are hence more inclined to help each other. Hence, it is easier to learn from the mistakes we make in school.

    There are some tiny grammatical errors in your post, but overall I find your post a good read.


  5. Dear Dam Long,

    Surely CG1413 will help every one of us in this module to become good communicators and good teammates, because we are going to do a lot of teamwork. And teamwork, as you’ve said, is a good environment for learning and practicing communication skills. I am very impressed by the interconnection you have found between teamwork and communication.

    But in case we might overlook other components of effective communication because of the splendid link you have pointed out, I would like to add that effective teamwork is not only about effective communication, it is also about good leadership, defining clear-cut roles, creating procedures for conflict resolution and so on. So besides focusing on improving our communication skills, don’t forget to implement these practices when doing teamwork. I think they are also part of the skills CG1413 intends to train us.

