Monday, April 12, 2010

Post #6 : Reflection on Teamwork and Communication Process

This semester, half of my modules require teamwork and communication. At first, I was grouped with many students from other nationalities and none of them I had known before. Now, after working with them for many events, I realize both my strengths and weaknesses in teamwork and communication.

The module CG1413 teaches me the essence of teamwork and communication. Throughout this module, I have learned and had many chances to put some communication skills into practice. Never before had I known that to conduct a successful meeting is of such a difficulty until the first meeting. The first oral presentation was a success thanks to the visual aids that we had put time and efforts onto, but the reflection was not that good. After the second meeting and the second presentation, I found some improvements in my own performances and in my teammates’ too. The other two reflections on the meeting two and on the CG1102 were bad. The season was again my poor writing skills and we only noticed the last reflection 2 days before the deadline. The oral defense was not so bad, although we did not prepare much for it. My answers might not be very clear, but they were honest and concise.

After this series of events, I realize that one of my strengths is power point skills, as my teammates pointed out. In addition, I can manage time quite well. Overall, I was not the one who contributed the most to the projects but my participation was fair enough for a team member since I finished all the tasks on time and sometime helped my teammates with their works.

However, I must confess that my weaknesses outweigh my strengths. The first and also the biggest one is my English. It usually causes miscommunications. The second weakness is my shyness. Many thanks to Geetika who always makes me sit in front of the camera, I now gain some self-confidences. Last but not least, my presentation skills need a lot more practicing. I must change my tone to attract the audience’s interest and make my jokes funnier. Moreover, my gestures and eye contacts are sometimes not very appropriate.

In order to overcome my weaknesses and become a good communicator, I will have to practice more and more. CG1413 cannot teach me anything about teamwork and communication but that module did help me a lot in the very first steps in self-exploring.