Monday, April 12, 2010

Post #6 : Reflection on Teamwork and Communication Process

This semester, half of my modules require teamwork and communication. At first, I was grouped with many students from other nationalities and none of them I had known before. Now, after working with them for many events, I realize both my strengths and weaknesses in teamwork and communication.

The module CG1413 teaches me the essence of teamwork and communication. Throughout this module, I have learned and had many chances to put some communication skills into practice. Never before had I known that to conduct a successful meeting is of such a difficulty until the first meeting. The first oral presentation was a success thanks to the visual aids that we had put time and efforts onto, but the reflection was not that good. After the second meeting and the second presentation, I found some improvements in my own performances and in my teammates’ too. The other two reflections on the meeting two and on the CG1102 were bad. The season was again my poor writing skills and we only noticed the last reflection 2 days before the deadline. The oral defense was not so bad, although we did not prepare much for it. My answers might not be very clear, but they were honest and concise.

After this series of events, I realize that one of my strengths is power point skills, as my teammates pointed out. In addition, I can manage time quite well. Overall, I was not the one who contributed the most to the projects but my participation was fair enough for a team member since I finished all the tasks on time and sometime helped my teammates with their works.

However, I must confess that my weaknesses outweigh my strengths. The first and also the biggest one is my English. It usually causes miscommunications. The second weakness is my shyness. Many thanks to Geetika who always makes me sit in front of the camera, I now gain some self-confidences. Last but not least, my presentation skills need a lot more practicing. I must change my tone to attract the audience’s interest and make my jokes funnier. Moreover, my gestures and eye contacts are sometimes not very appropriate.

In order to overcome my weaknesses and become a good communicator, I will have to practice more and more. CG1413 cannot teach me anything about teamwork and communication but that module did help me a lot in the very first steps in self-exploring.


  1. Dear Dam Long,

    It is good that this module is like a stepping stone for you to gain some exposure to teamwork and communication. At least u have a gist of it.

    Indeed you have very good powerpoint skills, I believe u learn this skill from exploring Ms Powerpoint. Similarly, you can explore yourself and think of some improvement that can be made.

    Keep a diary of yourself and record down your weakness in oral presentation/meetings. Suggest some improvement and note it down everywhere. You will constantly be reminded to improve your weakness.

    At the same time, you can try to put someone as your role model. Take Geetika for example, she's very good at oral presentation. Try to put yourself in her shoes and talk like her. Slowly, you'll be another Geetika or at least get some of her good points.

    That's how I am. I mimic my dad since young and that's why I turn out to be a joker.(he's an excellent joker)


  2. Dear Dam Long,

    You mentioned that your weaknesses outweigh your strengths. I disagree. It is true that you’re not so fluent in English, you are shy and your presentation skills (like mine) require polishing.

    However, you have plenty of strengths. The most obvious to me is that you are willing to get out of your comfort zone. For example, you were willing to sit in front of the camera even though you were shy. You could have simply refused flat out to do it.

    While working on our CELC project, you were also willing to voice out a few ideas. Because of the language barrier, some of your ideas actually sounded quite weird/ illogical. It’s probably because of the phrasing. But you still preserved in contributing ideas even though we have turned down your previous ideas. You could have simply sat there passively and not contribute, thereby ensuring that you are not embarrassed when we think that your idea sounds weird.

    And this is why I think your strengths outweigh your weaknesses.

    Think Positively!


  3. Dear Dam Long,
    After reading through you post, again I proved my understanding of you that you are—as you put it—an honest and sincere person. You have given a very comprehensive reflection as well as a very object evaluation on yourself here.

    I agree with what Russell has mentioned above, you should think positively! You are doing quite well. As a non-native English speaker, I believe that I can understand what you feel because I have the same doubt about myself as you do. But unlike you, I am very easy to get embarrassed if I have created any miscommunications. If I have improved a bit in getting rid of this embarrassment, I believe it is all because that I have been learning from you.

    It is very joyous working with you, because you have given the team a very strong multimedia support. I’m looking forwards to working together with you in the early future.


  4. Dear Dam Long,

    I have been dying to say this to you and I think now is the opportunity. I really respect the way you have improved in this module. I have seen a marked improvement in your communication skills; you have been able to benefit from this module as much as anyone possibly could. I remember how shy and silent you were in our first meeting for CELC Project. I also noticed that there were times when you opened you mouth to say something, but decided otherwise.

    On the contrary, I also remember our last meeting for CELC project. By now, you were comfortably speaking, and did not hesitate to say what you thought. I remember having to probe you to speak in earlier meetings but by the last meeting, you were talking your heart out. Throughout the course of the module, you have opened up. You have started to interact with people, and the best of it, you persevere to learn! This perseverance is what I have learnt from you.

    Even though your English may not be as good as some people now, but continue to learn with this attitude, and you would be a much better communicator than most. After all, as Brenda keeps saying, communication is a life-long learning process.

    All the Best for your exams.
