Sunday, March 28, 2010

Post #5: Reflection on Oral Presentation 2

Our team was the first to team to present the Oral Presentation 2 and also was the only team to present on Monday, 22nd March 2010. Although I feel rather satisfied with our performances, I know that we could have done much better if there had been more time for preparations.

Our team’s project deals with freshmen and their problems. The topic is very close to us as we all experienced some of those problems. All five of us performed well during the presentation. The transitions between speakers were good, our jokes and animations worked. In addition, I found myself did considerable improvements in comparison with Oral Presentation 1 which was the first time I presented. I did feel a bit nervous but when my turn came, I felt relaxed and full of confidences. Moreover, I did not memory my script word by word so I did not relied much on it.

However, our presentation was too close to the CG1102 midterm so we had no choice but to meet early to finish the slides on that morning , which was normally the time for relaxing. Other teams have 3 more days than us and they could also avoid some mistakes, such as the one with Problem Statement. I agreed that our Problem Statement did not match well with our proposed solutions. However, those solutions are chosen because of the survey’s results, so I think that we should have thought more carefully when we selected solutions before printing the surveys. And because of the time cap for the presentation, I decided to cut out two demonstrations from my secondary research to spare more time for my teammates. I also realize that my contribution in the questions and answer section was not so much. Although the questions were not focus on the research which I was responsible for, I should have helped my teammates more.

To end my post, I want to tell my teammates that I like working with them. They are all smart, funny and friendly.


  1. Dear Dam Long,

    I’m glad you’re satisfied working with the group. I enjoyed it too.

    I noticed your improvement during OP2. You didn’t rely on scripts which is a big plus points. Continue on with this habit and soon you’ll be a natural speaker like Anuj.

    You also made a nice transition to Anuj.

    Be careful to work on your pronunciation and tone. A good pronunciation and tone will leave a good impression on the audience. It also helps people to understand your presentation.

    Also, there were some monotonous parts during the presentation. I used to be a monotone like you too and I notice my audience would yawn and sleep. I would like to share a secret on how to avoid that. It’s about how you notice the audience. Once you notice people like Andy in the front row sleeping, quickly finish up your part, turn to the next slide and start afresh with a more lively tone.

    Perhaps, changing from a monotone to a sudden enthusiasm in the voice will make Andy listen to your presentation for hours.


  2. Dear Dam Long,

    Nice update to your blog. The colour scheme is really nice and the background image for your blog title is really cool.

    I think that your part of the presentation went pretty well. I can see that you put in a lot of effort into preparing for this presentation. In fact, you were more or less ready to go even during our first rehearsal!

    Just like Ferrino, I think that you were somewhat monotonous. You had a slide comparing the pros and cons of doing a physical survey instead of doing an online survey. In that slide, you were giving points to online survey and physical survey and then showing physical survey winning. I think that this slide would be really good if you had injected some excitement when allocating points to the 2 survey methods.

    All in all, I think you did a pretty good job. I can see that you have improved quite a bit compared to your first presentation.


  3. Hi Dam Long,

    First of all, you should not think that your contribution in Q&A round was not enough. It is understandable that you did not answer those questions that were not about your area of expertise. Looking at your contribution to the whole presentation, I think it was more than that of any of us. You were indispensable to the team.

    Your presentation this time was very well. It was clear that you had put in hard work and spent quite a lot of time preparing for it. I was genuinely pleased when I saw you presenting in our first rehearsal in the morning. I think you were the most prepared then.

    As for having "the energy" while presenting, I think that if you try to make your day-to-day conversations more lively, that would help. try to use your body language in accordance with what you are saying. It helps bring the point across more effectively.

    Seeing how willing you are to learn, I think you are making use of this module in true sense. Your presentation skills would improve very fast. Keep it up!


  4. Dear Long,

    I can’t agree more on your last sentence! 

    I think I did pretty well also. You were more confident and more natural. Script is something we may need to refer to, but of course it is not the thing that we need to rely too much on. It will look unnatural if we try to memorize every word on the script and simply recite it when presenting.

    There are of course pros and cons to be the first team to present. What we can do is to maximize the advantages we have while minimizing the disadvantages. Though as you say there were a few things that didn’t seem to have been perfectly done, considering this is your first few presentations (I guess) you are actually doing quite well. Instead of writing on your strengths and improvements, you use a long paragraph to reflect on things to improve. I think this is a very good habit. With this, I believe that you are going to make another big progress in your next presentation.

    I like your slides by the way, it is very nice.

