Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Post#4:reflection on meeting 1

Our group meeting was planned to be at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, February 10th 20010 and Prince Geogre Park Residences was chosen as the place. Jeisern had been appointed as team leader and he would chair the meeting while Geetika would be the secretary and would take down the minute.

Before the meeting, Jeisern wrote the agenda and emailed it to the others two members and the teacher. Be mindful and responsible as Jeisern is, he sent us messages via mobile as a gentle reminder. He also prepared a camera.

The meeting was conducted at the meeting room 3A which was unused and air-conned as well. It would have been better if we had had a pen to use the broad in the room. We were very grateful to my friend, Le Vi Thanh, for being our last-minute cameraman. He did quite well but the sound seemed to be not as good as when we first tested it. We should have been more careful when preparing for this meeting.

During the meeting, everyone had chances to talk freely but constructively to the project. Everyone agreed with Jeisern’s design and discussed more about it. After that, we began assigning tasks. Although being the team leader, Jeisern asked me and Geetika first for our preferred tasks in the project and decided to take care of the last. The report is Geetika’s task while mine is the UI (user interface) and Jeisern’s is the API ( application programming interface). We also set the deadline for them to be Monday the following week (Feb 15th 2010) because we wanted the second meeting to be held on Friday that week.

My contribution in the meeting was not as good as I supposed. The camera often distracted me and made me feel uncomfortable. However, I think the meeting was successful since it is the first them our team gathered. After that meeting, I understand out teammates better. I feel so lucky to be in a team with two talented and friendly people.


  1. Dear Dam Long,

    Good start for the meeting. Agenda sent,reminders given out and places were all planned nicely. However, the technical details about the camera couldn't be avoided as you all actually tested it. So, you couldn't be blamed for this. I also notice that your group are organised as you all delegate tasks, appoint the leader, secretary,etc.

    It is natural that we are camera shy. I experienced the same sensation as you when I was doing the recording. The only way that I manage to lessen my distraction was to pretend it wasn't there and focus on the project. When you're all focused on the project, I think even if President Nathan were to walk beside me I wouldn't have noticed. My humble advice to you is to get yourself deeply into the conversation while ignoring the surroundings. It worked for me during my revision in a crowded environment. I hope it will help you too.


  2. Dear Dam Long,

    It looks like your meeting went pretty well!

    Sending messages to people who are attending the meeting seems to be a good idea to me. I will keep it in mind for our next group meeting. Not only does it help ensure that everyone turns up, it also gives a sort of a personal touch. While this method is not really feasible in large meetings because of the large amount of messages to be sent, it seems to be a perfectly good idea to use in smaller meetings.

    What I think could be done about your uncomfortable awareness of the camera is to not have anyone handle the camera. Just leave the camera on a stand or something and let it run. Since, our teams are of only 3 members, it shouldn’t be too difficult to keep everyone in the video. I think that the presence of another person who’s not participating in the meeting is rather distracting and makes you more conscious of the camera.

    Overall, good job on your meeting.


  3. Dear Long,

    Its looks like your meeting went very well. Your leader had sent you the agenda in advance, sent you a reminder by SMS and you had a cameraman. Jeisern also showed great compromise on his part by allowing his teammates to choose their tasks before he did.

    As for camera-shyness, it is natural to be aware of the camera, especially when it is your first time and there is someone controlling the camera. As Russell said, it would be convenient to have the camera kept stationary since there are only three of us in the team.

    Enjoy your future meetings with your group. Getting absorbed in the discussion is one way of diverting your mind from the camera.


  4. Dear Dam Long,

    You have described your meeting in a very detailed way which had me convinced that you did have a very enriching meeting.

    I agree with everything the other three have said above, they have covered what I want to say about your strengths and have given suggests which I think are all fair enough.

    Besides what they, I just wonder if you have been too strict on yourself, otherwise you won’t comment on your contribution towards the team. As long as you can prepare well before the meeting, present what you have prepared and give your opinions when making decisions, I think you are already making fairly big contributions to the meeting. I’m sure you have done these three things well in the meeting right? So next time just relax and try your best to do whatever you are supposed to do well and don’t stress yourself out.

